
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

2017 Goals: May Recap

Previously, I set horse goals and life goals. April was an abysmal failure. Was May any better? A bit.

January Recap
February Recap
March Recap
April Recap

Horse Goals - original post here

1. Put hands on my horse 5x a week - Other than 8 days off when I was traveling, I did great at this. I'm starting to turn the screws and challenge him physically and mentally in some longer dressage schools, and I'm ramping up his fitness work.

2. Be less perfunctory - decent! not great.

3. Aim toward dressage schooling shows - I will almost certainly not make any dressage shows this year due to work schedule, so I am trying to re-orient my thinking. I may do a test during a lesson. We're definitely attacking pieces of First Level (!) and confirming Training stuff like keeping our damn head down in the canter.

4. Take more lessons - May, check! Scheduling June soon.

5. Horse-specific income stream / funding emergency fund - Still on the struggle bus, especially since after the truck's transmission went in April, my daily driver CRV went to get its summer tires on and came back with new brakes all around. So the emergency fund took another hit. But I've written out my path back to solvency, the credit card will be paid off soon, and I've started chipping back away at those savings accounts.

6. Do more thoughtful work - Slowly clawing my way back to this. I've been doing a lot of writing things out especially for the craft things I'm making, and trying out new ways of thinking related to those that's proving to be an interesting exercise for my brain.

7. Get more media - I took some pictures? Still none of me.

Life Goals - original post here

1. Pay off car - yup, still on track

2. Read 75 books - 39/75

A slower month because I read one big bit and only a few smaller ones.

Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson
After Atlas by Emma Newman
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee

3. Revive history blogs - lololololol nope x2

4. Do better about food - Other than the trip to Texas, I did great at this. And you know what? I also did pretty well in Texas. I ate a lot but I hit the gym a lot, walked a lot, and stuck to logging what I ate and generally making smart choices about portions and carbs. End result? I ate what I wanted and after 5 days of eating out and a wedding, I stayed the same weight. Now that I have my kitchen back, and control of my entire production this will go even better. I think at this point - knock wood - I can consider my habits well and truly changed.

5. Decorate the house - I reorganized the library, and it does look dramatically better, though it's not strictly speaking "decorated."

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