
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Weekly Blog Roundup

First, a question about these roundups. It occurred to me that maybe some people would like them in their email inbox as weekend reading. Could you answer the poll question below and let me know what you think? I'd probably try and make an email version a little bit beefier - maybe tie in a COTH thread that I thought was worthwhile, a meme or two, and some other updates.

Horses Handed Down from A Gift Horse
I actually never thought about whether or not to hand down the bad parts of horses.

Are calming supplements cheating? from Hand Gallop
A topic that brings a lot of passion out.

Help a Haffie Out - I Need a Name! from Wyvern Oaks
CUTENESS. Also, naming posts never get old for me.

Two Horse Tack Product Review x3 from In Omnia Paratus
Some really nice things and also gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous horse showing them off.

Mud and Projects from The Feral Red Horse
I am such a sucker for these detailed barn planning posts.

What to Buy Wednesday: Washing Machines from Eventing Saddlebred Style
Anyone have some advice?

Managing Seasonal Allergies in Horses from If the Saddle Fits
My answer is "drugs. lots of 'em" but other people may have more success with management.

Grindstone Mountain Farm Keeps Former King Oak Farm H.T. Tradition Alive from Eventing Nation
This is stretching the definition of blog post but it makes me insanely happy so I don't care. King Oak for my birthday weekend was one of my very favorite things, and I treasure all my memories of those weekends.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing a nice mix of familiar faces (entries?) and new reading material :)


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