
Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Ideal Horse, According to Daniel Chipman Linsley

I don't intend to cross post over from Figuring History too often, but I came across this passage in Daniel Chipman Linsley's book Morgan Horses, the first book to really detail the history and lineage of the breed, and couldn't help but share it.

Prior to this passage, Linsley had devoted pages and pages and pages to a detailed conformation description of the ideal horse that would fit what he decided was the typical needs of the American population at the time - namely, a game driving horse that could also serve as a pleasure riding horse when necessary. (He basically meant an all-arounder, but spent a lot of time describing various jobs.)

He concludes:
Such a horse as we have attempted to describe, we feel the greatest confidence in asserting, will prove admirably adapted to all ordinary kinds of service. When used upon the road, he moves off easily, quietly, and freely, without the least disposition to fret, at a lively pace, on a pleasant rein; but when roused a trifle by an increased pull on the bit, and an urging word, his head raises higher, his eye dilates, and he is at once a full hand for the best horseman; the taller, more open built, and longer horse, with a long, reaching stride, may easily dash by him at the first start in the morning, but if their course is the same, and the journey be continued for a day or a week, he will have ample opportunity to renew the acquaintance. Such horses will be hardy, rarely affected with any complaint, easily kept in good condition, will always be ready for use, and easily taught to perform almost any kind of service, with ease to themselves, and pleasure to their owners.
Yeah, I would ride that horse!

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