
Monday, September 15, 2014

Road ID or RoadSafe?

As I do more and more hacking out, I'm starting to think that I'd like one of those bracelets that gives your basic contact info and emergency contact info. Luckily, I don't have any allergies or medications that a first responder would need to know about, but I'd still like the fiance to know if I'm being trucked to the hospital. My information is on file with the barn, obviously, but that takes precious minutes to find and isn't always the first thought.

I don't know if I'll ever event again, but if I do, I'd also rather have one of the bracelets than that #@!$#@% armband, which always slips or leaves marks on my arm for hours afterward. Something about the shape (or lack thereof...) of my bicep makes them a terrible fit.

As best I can tell, there are two major outlets to get these bracelets from.

Road ID

This is a much larger company that has more options and caters to all sorts of outdoor enthusiasts. They're affordable, at around $20 per bracelet. It provides basic information that you select. Everything looks neat and slim, and certainly the infrastructure is there to provide quick easy replacements.

These are horseback riding specific. They look a little different from the Road ID bracelets but are still basically the same, though they come in really only one mode. They're more expensive, at $35 per bracelet. 

Here's the big advantage to these: they have an ID on the back of the clasp that sends first responders to a website where they can get more complete medical information. I don't necessarily have more medical information to share right now - but it's not out of the question that I would in the future.

Does anyone have one of these bracelets? Which one do you have? Did you debate between them? What are the pros and cons of each?


  1. I don't event and the mere thought of trail riding slightly scares me, but I do think having one of these bracelets is a smart idea!

  2. I'm considering getting one of these myself. I believe the RoadID have a serial # option on the back that can be checked as well, and I'm leaning toward getting one of those just because they're cheaper. The slim version, too, because it can get wet and won't stink! Just gotta decide what to put on it...

    1. Update. Ordered one last night.

      RoadID Slim.

      Got one of the "badge" thingies and wrote "Find Horse" on it. And then on the main part put:
      my Name,
      Hometown (because I'm often riding out of state),
      1 Emergency Contact,
      NKA - Blood Type

      With that information they can treat me immediately, know who I am, contact the emergency person who has the rest of my information. (NKA = no known allergies)

      Additionally, the "Find Horse" badge that goes alongside the main info as a kind of supplementary thing will help them to know to look for my horse if I'm dressed in equestrian attire, or if I'm just out hiking or climbing, they'll likely discount it.

  3. i wear a ridesafe bracelet everyday (well, i guess i should say i never take mine off). i love it. it's especially useful for me as i have specific medical instructions on mine that would apply to a riding accident or otherwise.
    i will say it took FOREVER to get mine, probably because ridesafe is run by just one woman (who is also a vet). but i'm glad to have supported her fledgling business. strong recommend!

  4. I LOVE my RoadID. I've worn it 24/7 for a year and a half now and it looks just as good as the day I bought it (I have the Slim). They were very easy to deal with too and it came quickly. The only negative things I've heard about RIdeSafe are communication issues when ordering and a few people have said that the engraving on theirs wore down to be unreadable within just a few months. Search COTH for threads, there's been a lot of discussion.

  5. I second the RoadID. I got mine after reading Cob Jockey's post about them. I got the Slim as well and it is comfortable, durable, and looks good too.

  6. If I got out of the ring more often I think I'd totally get one of those! Can't be too safe

  7. I would LOVE to replace my slippy f'n armband for one of these, though I haven't seen any in NZ yet!

  8. I feel more comfortable going with the RoadID, simply for the fact that the first responder doesn't have to plug any info into their phone. What if you are in a place that doesn't have service, you know?

  9. I wear a RoadID every day. It's easy, looks nice, and easy for a responder to read. There is also a RoadID with an available hosting of medical information so that first responders can go online to retrieve additional information. I like that idea, though my specific ID doesn't offer that.

  10. I want to second everyone's comments on RoadID, my brother and I both have them. I have the wider nylon version and he has the RoadID slim. He's a diabetic and is a religious wearer of his. He does landscaping work and works part time on a farm 7 days a week and his RoadID last a little over 2 years before it started to wear down and we needed to update his emergency numbers. If he hasn't destroyed yet, I can honestly say they will last for everyone else.

  11. This was fantastic! I'd been wondering about these bracelets too and I'm now convinced. Off to get the RoadID! :)

  12. I LOVE my Road ID bracelets and have quite a few (one with passport info for traveling, one for running, one for trail, one for showing, one for schooling, etc.) AND you can buy the Road ID with info stored on the website, similar to Ride Safe. I have blogged about the Road ID bracelets more than once, just a few weeks ago as a matter of fact ( I keep my trail and dressage schooling bracelets in my helmets so that I never forget to wear them. :0)

  13. There was a recent USEA rule change that you can use one of these instead of an armband, but there are certain requirements. Might be worth checking before you order =)


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