
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Half chaps or tall boots?

I mentioned in a recent post that I have been riding in half chaps occasionally.

The half chaps were a gift from the same person who gave me the breastplate for free, and they are a very snug fit. They're older Ariats. I mostly took them because she was trying to get rid of her stuff and I thought "why not?" My previous experience with half chaps hasn't been great; for the past 6-8 years I have been a 100% tall boots rider.

I'm really, really liking these, though. I pair them with my Ariat Terrains, which I have long loved for trail rides, and they're light and yet still a bit grippy. They're ideal for the hill walking we're doing right now.

After a few people commented that they love half chaps, I decided to investigate my options for polling and it turns out that Blogger has a gadget for that now!

SO! Visit the blog page, look on the right-hand side, and cast your vote. Do you prefer half chaps, tall boots, a little bit of both, or neither? Comment on this post if you have some specific additional feedback to give.


  1. When I first started riding, I rode in paddocks and half chaps. However, it was suggested to me by my trainer to ride in what you plan to show in, so I switched to exclusively riding in tall boots and haven't ridden in my half chaps in about 3 years. Personally, I think my tall boots feel better, but to each his own :)

    1. I had never heard that reasoning! I think it's a sound one for sure. It can throw you totally off to switch to entirely new equipment for showing - I've never understood the "show tack only" mentality.

  2. I rode in full chaps forever, then half chaps, then switched to tall boots and have never looked back. I think comfort level depends a great deal on having nice, comfortable tall boots.

    1. I have never actually ridden in full chaps, though friends have sworn by them. I've eyed some on sale now and then.

      Agree totally on the comfortable tall boots thing - dreading putting them on is the worst.

  3. I ride in tredstep half chaps all the time. They're comfortable and easy to use and they fit great. Plus, there's nothing I particularly want to compete in that requires tall boots and I have an impossible time finding any that fit, so it's pretty win win.

    PS I voted in your poll, but my vote didn't show up.

    1. I have a really tough foot to fit into half chaps, hence why I ended up with "cheap" synthetic tall boots the last time I bought them rather than some nicer tall boots - which were actually in the budget, I literally tried on everything under $500 at the store!

      I think the poll is just surprisingly slow on the refresh. When I tested it with my vote it took a few refreshes to show up. I see a vote now for half chaps all the time that I'm guessing is you?

      Thanks for the feedback though. :)

    2. Whoops, a tough time fitting into *tall boots*, sorry!

  4. i ride in my half chaps almost exclusively, with occasional schooling in new tredsteps (thank YOU just to break them in and get used to them for shows... but i hate the thought of trekking all over the place and exposing them to so much grime.

  5. I used to be a half chaps girl, until I got new show boots then I decided to ride in my old show boots all the time and then they died. Then I realized paddocks + half chaps = about the same as a pair of tall boots, so tall boots for me all the time!

  6. When I have shows coming up I tend to stick to the tall boots so I don't lose any of my feel, but during quiet times (especially winter) I like half chaps for ease factor.


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