
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August Goals Preview

So, after the dismal failure that was my July goals, what does August hold? From the 2014 Outline:
Keep turning those screws, keep hauling out to jump with Vergennes trainer, keep fine-tuning the dressage. Foxhunting if possible. 
Possible events for riding or volunteering: Vermont Dressage Days (August 9-10), GMHA Combined Driving Event (August 23-24), GMHA Distance Days (August 29-31)
I'm already signed up for a day of scribing at Dressage Days. I'd like to help at the GMHA CDE but I might have a family commitment that weekend.

How much riding I get done depends entirely on the results of the vet appointment to look at Tristan's foot.  I won't be able to haul out for jumping, that's for sure; funds are too tight. I might get out cubbing, depending on how the schedule/timing/soundness works out.

Not feeling very optimistic right now.

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