Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Horse Movie March Madness: The Bracket

It's time! Here's the bracket for our March Madness voting, based on the poll that ran Monday and Tuesday. I chose the top 16 vote-getters, and then randomized the brackets using a handy-dandy website generator.

I know I said I'd start voting today, but doing this bracket has taken all my extra mental concentration for the day, so I will set up the polls to start voting tomorrow. Get ready! Some crazy matchups in there.


  1. You have The Man from Snowy River 2x -- I assume one of those is supposed to be #2. :D

    1. Grrr, yes, it got cut off with the bracket software. I'll make it clear when we actually start voting. Thanks for the note!

    2. No worries! I figured that's what happened.

  2. I am ashamed of the people that voted in War Horse. Worst movie ever.

    1. I'm kind of with you there. Where were the Silver Stallion fans? I mean, YOUNG HOT RUSSELL CROWE! Seriously, people.

    2. LOL I love War Horse...let's fight it it out ;)

    3. Agreed! I totally voted for the Silver Stallion...thanks for keeping me company :) Add me to the non War Horse fans as well

  3. oooh super pumped!! fun idea :)

  4. I'm going to assume Horsemasters didn't make the list because it's too obscure, but darn it's a good movie! And I agree with Carly - War Horse the movie was horrible, but the Broadway show was freaking amazing.

  5. Hidalgo vs Snowy River?!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY. My two favorites. *sobs* I can't JUST pick one so soon. *pout*


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