Sunday, December 8, 2013

Accountability: Week 1

Each Sunday, I'll write down what I've done for my own and for Tristan's fitness for the week. My hope is that putting these things out there will hold me accountable to those handful of you who read this blog. In that vein: if you think I could be doing better, or if you see me slacking off from the previous weeks, say something!

Me: 30 seconds planking, 18 situps, 5 leg lifts R & L
Tristan: 40 minute lesson

Me: 30 seconds planking, 10 leg lifts R&L, walk downtown x2 (40 minutes)
Tristan: Rest

Me: 30 seconds planking, 25 situps, 10 leg lifts R&L, walk downtown (20 minutes)
Tristan: 35 minutes longeing w/ chambon, over cavaletti

Me: 30 seconds planking, 10 leg lifts R&L, walk downtown x2 (40 minutes)
Tristan: 45 minute ride

Me: 30 seconds planking, 10 leg lifts R&L
Tristan: Rest

Me: 45 seconds planking, 15 leg lifts R&L, 33 situps
Tristan: Rest

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