
Friday, November 17, 2017

Small Business Saturday Suggestions?

Your input eagerly sought!

I'd like to put together a list of equestrian-related businesses for people to shop from this coming Small Business Saturday.


Do you have a favorite small equestrian business? Please comment below with its name and website, and maybe a line or two about why you love it!

Saturday's links roundup will be entirely small business related. (Blog links will be held for the following week.)

Comment below, please!


  1. Dark Jewel Designs! Amy makes awesome browbands!

  2. Galloping Graphics! Simple, affordable, customized graphics. They've really broadened their scope in the past couple of years and everything they produce is really cute.

  3. The Herbal Horse Harley and I wouldn't survive without "Be Calm" and I love the coat conditioner spray for taming blanket static in the winter.

  4. I'll have my usual list rolled into my big Black Friday/Cyber Monday list! Keep an eye on Instagram, that's where most of them post about their sales.

  5. Galloping Graphic, Gray&Co Design, RelativelyStable, Uniquely Equine, A lot of local brick and mortar tack shops are running some good shop small deals (and indie tack store day!!) In SoCal Mary's Tack and Feed is the one running the promos.

  6. I love Hunt Seat Paper Co. and Mary's Tack and Feed in Del Mar, CA. What L. said! They have an online store. Mary's is great and has donated to many in the horse community affected by the fires out here. Good people, great shopping experience.


Thanks for commenting! It's great to hear from you.