
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Weekly Blog Roundup

Let's talk about tack trunks from Hand Gallop
Organization is one of my favorite things to think and talk about, so this post and its comments are great.

Naming Baby M from Equestrian at Hart
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting this stinking cute little colt when he was just a few days old - go help Hillary name him!

My Horse Has EOTRH (What on Earth?) from Saddle Seeks Horse
I had never ever heard of this before, and I consider myself a connoisseur of weird horse diseases.

DIY: How to Make a Trailer Bench for Your Trailer Tack Room from DIY Horse Ownership

Warm Up & Warm Down from Eventing Nation
Tinkering with warm up is one of my endless obsessions, so I liked what this had to say - particularly about long walks and the actual physical readiness component of a warmup for cross country.

Five Pony Club Rules That Are Slightly Impractical from Eventing Connect
I was a Pony Club DC for a number of years. We used to say that there is the Pony Club way, and you will never ever go wrong following it, but there are often other equally smart & safe ways to do things. I still think Pony Club has it down in terms of teaching kids safe and quality ways to interact with horses, but boy are they sticklers.

The sad saga of DJ Trump, Donald Trump's lone foray into horse racing from the Washington Post
It's pretty obvious that the fuckwit-in-chief is a failure as a human being on every count, but did you know he even behaves shittily toward horses? Well, here you go.

Finally, new blog alert; I've known Paula for years and she has a truly extraordinary story to tell, so please check her out & follow along: My Brave Arab Mare

Your non-horsey read for the week: My Family's Slave. This was mind-boggling, heart-wrenching, and extraordinary. Take the time to read it through.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that last article, heart-wrenching is right.


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