
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Weekly Blog Roundup

On being a good example from Hand Gallop
This is just superb. Yes. Literally the only area of my life in which I love working with kids is at the barn. There are so many good things we can pass on by example.

Stall design opinions needed! from Stampy and the Brain
I feel like at one point in my life I spent every free moment designing my dream barn. Now, I haven't kept up with what's current or trendy. So I'm really interested in the options here.

Your non-horsey read of the week is the back catalogue of Bad Advice columns. It's a roundup of the worst and most obnoxious questions from advice columns around the internet, with precisely what you want to say to them. Try reading one; you'll be hooked.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the share, Looking forward to sharing the results and what I pick!


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