
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Baby Steps & Show Prep

First things first: on Tuesday night, I started my ride in the kimberwicke, and let's just say there was not enough pony kicking in the world. So I hopped off and swapped bridles - I had brought his dressage bridle up - and Tristan was a ROCK STAR.

We ran through Training 1, and my geometry was the absolute suck, but Tristan took a half halt, gave me some bending, and even softened up quite nicely in the canter. It was nowhere near a world-beating ride but there were moments of respectable dressage. Which is really all we've ever aspired to.

So, we might actually pull this off!

Things left to do:
- pull out my show clothes you guys I haven't even unzipped my coat bag since we moved to Vermont and literally the last time I put on my white breeches was July 2012 THIS CAN ONLY END IN TEARS
- give Tristan a bath
- clean tack
- actually read Training 2 and maybe think about memorizing it
- think through some kind of warmup plan? who am I kidding, I'm going to wing this on Sunday morning

Realistically: I have this evening to do one last major ride and pull out my show clothes, and then tomorrow afternoon - maybe? - to do a quick tune-up, give Tristan a bath, and clean tack.

Also last night I pulled out a calendar and counted and for a stretch that started this past Tuesday, this coming Sunday is my only complete day off for 21 days. So of course I'm horse showing, then volunteering afterwards. What is it about horses that encourages so many bad life decisions?

Oh, and it's going to rain. All day. Yup.


  1. Replies
    1. Matt has announced that he's going to "squire" for me. I think he will mostly be ok with holding and handing things to me. So I would love to see you! But I think I am all set on the help front. Thanks.

    2. Aw, squiring! That's awesome. We shall catch up post-Expo, then. Have a great ride!

  2. Omg: 2012?! Good luck at the show. I hope the white pants fit.

    1. I am so screwed. They'll have to work somehow, though. I don't really have any other options.

  3. ha pulling out the white pants at the beginning of this year was definitely a stressful experience, but thank god they still fit! hope yours are the same! and good luck this weekend, i hope you have a blast!

    1. I have not the slightest idea. I could be rocking the stuffed sausage look. I have made my peace with that.

  4. Best of luck at the show and with the white pants!

  5. Horse showing is always a good idea ;-) Best of luck with the show and your crazy schedule!

  6. Yeah all of my show stuff is still sitting in my show trunk (coat included-oops)from last august. It can't even make it home. My bad


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