
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Mud Season

We had a high of 64 degrees yesterday, which was the warmest it has been in MONTHS. By the time I got to the barn it was still 60 degrees. GLORIOUS.

Especially if you are a Tristan, and you got to be without a blanket for the first time since November. So much mud, so little time.

So yeah, that happened. Curry comb + shedding blade + stiff brush for a solid 20 minutes. He was a happy boy. I've never known another horse who so enjoys a deep grooming.

Our ride was actually shorter than the grooming session, because 20 minutes of moderate work in 60 degrees when you're packing that much winter hair is tough. He was warm and a touch sweaty, and panting pretty hard. His wind is still not really recovering - hence why I was thinking about the SmartBreathe. It's something that may come up with his vet at spring shots.

Other than that, though, sound as a bell and in great shape overall. Bring it on, spring!


  1. ha it's like you can practically see his silhouette from where he was standing as you brushed!

  2. The one thing I'm not head over heals for with this warmer weather! :P


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