
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My favorite internet game: BLM adoption photos!

I am not really one for window shopping horses online. I can count on one hand the number of times I've browsed Dreamhorse. I occasionally look at listings for Lippitt Morgans and just shake my head. I don't even really look at flyer at the local farm stores.

I do make one giant exception: the BLM Wild Horse & Burro Online Adoption galleries.

Mustangs, you guys. Even though I stumbled into them, apparently they have a giant hold on my heart.

So here's my favorite game: who would you take home?

Here's the online gallery to browse through. Comment with the number of and/or link to your picks!

Right now, I'm loving #5641

And I am head over heels for #5696.


  1. 5696 even had some training! She's lovely. I'm head over heels with you

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 1559 is super cute! Most of the ones I sorta liked were mares, but I would never take a mare home, so 1559 is the only gelding that caught my eye!

    2. Yeah I am sooooooo not a mare person either, so for the purposes of this exercise I am pretending the ones I chose are geldings. :)

  3. Um...0888, 2422, 3466... I've got a thing for the grays and the blacks that are super stout and look like they'd take up the leg well. 4089 has a flashy trot. 3979 is gorgeous. ...All. I want them all.

    1. omg right all those chunky blacks? I loff them.

  4. Ooh, I like this window shopping! I think 2720 and 0370 are my favorites.

  5. They're such compact little things. I wonder if they jump well with those short backs.

    1. Some do, some most definitely don't. Often in these auctions you see a lot of examples of one particular type, because they've been gathered from a specific region that trends that way. Last year there was a gather & auction from Tristan's area and they were all taller, longer-legged, and longer-backed. Tristan is if anything a bit too long-backed.

  6. ha looks like you miiiiiiiiight have a type ;)

  7. After a quick glance I'm diggin' 5450, she's cute & solid

    1. She almost looks like she got some draft in her, something about the way her neck is tied in says Percheron to me.

  8. I love 5696. I might legitimately go get her. I have a post coming as we are actually looking at Mustangs.

    1. OMG that would be awesome! She just has so much presence and pizzazz, and a lovely big floaty trot. Please do go look at her!

    2. Love the trot. I'm glad they're starting to include videos.

  9. Oh goodness..... so many....

    4077, 5535, 5533, 3979*, 2887

    All mares or fillies.

    *Hellooooooooo gorgeous.

  10. We don't usually agree on horses but #5696 is cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

  11. So many cuties! But honestly, any of those over 15hh would be ideal :)


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