
Monday, February 8, 2016


Habits are hard.

It seems that whenever I think on mine, I can't come up with any good ones.

I can name a million bad ones, though - I bite my nails, I reach for bread as my first line of snacking, I too often smile and nod instead of asking real questions.

I'm working hard on my 2016 intention of focus. I'm drawing a clear line and leaving work on time most days, so I can get to the barn with no excuses. I'm riding more regularly than I have in a year (2015 was many wonderful things, but it was not a year for steadiness or reliability.)

Yesterday, I intended to ride in the afternoon, but I didn't. I napped on the couch and re-read two books and watched the Super Bowl. Then I slept until 10:45 this morning, my regular day off. I tell myself that I clearly needed downtime and rest, after a fairly stressful couple of days - my in-laws are visiting, and while they are lovely people, for me, having (most) house guests is an exhausting performative exercise.

So, today: back on the horse.

In line with my focus goal: can anyone recommend a smartphone locking app? I have an iPhone. I need something that will give me access to phone, text, and email, and allow me to choose which other apps to block. If it came with an option to block everything but phone for periods of time as well, that would be ideal.

1 comment:

  1. I approve this post (and can name some good habits, if you'd like).


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