
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Weekly Blog Roundup

Lots of interesting things going on out there this week!

I'm going to preface this weekly blog roundup with a small editorial. When I did the blog content survey earlier this week (which has been super interesting about which I will blog more later), someone commented that they'd like to know how I choose these posts.

So, full disclosure: I don't have a really scientific way of doing it. I read a lot of blogs - around 250 posts on an average day across all my interests, not just horses - and when something catches my eye I open it into a new tab. I usually skim it again a while later, and if I still think it's interesting (loosely, by that I mean it represents a good point of view, or is particularly well written, or explains something useful, or has lovely photography, or strikes a good emotional tone, or really just stands out for some ineffable reason) - anyway, if I still think it's interesting I copy it into this post, which I usually create as soon a the old one has been published and add to throughout the week. Some weeks I stink at this, because I'm traveling a lot or just tired or just cranky and don't find many things interesting. Some weeks I love everything and have had energy and downtime to read a lot.

I am always, always open to reading new things and finding new blogs, so if you want me to consider content for this roundup, or just think I'd like your blog, or anything like that, please tell me, ok? I do a lot of link-clicking in the blogs I read, and add probably a blog a week on average, but I'm always thrilled to find something new and fun and love recommendations.

Blogging versus Journalism from She Moved to Texas
I tend to fall a little more on the informal side of this than Lauren - in that I thought the COTH editorial belittling and missing the point, and generally agreed with the original "controversial" blog post - but she presents a really good and important argument. We can all stand to be careful about what we research and say.

We're Killing Our Horses from Riding with Scissors
Really, really sobering and depressing but an important thing to face up to.

Breeder's Cup 2015 Trip: American Pharoah from Racing to Ride
I'm getting all misty-eyed again.

2pointober Analysis from Topaz Dreams
The myth, the legend, the winner of 2pointober. I actually thought these were some interesting and thoughtful observations and reflections.

Saddles, Riders, and Science from Boots and Saddles
Really good & useful roundup of findings on saddle fit.

Happy Horse Project Report from In Omnia Paratus
I love the way this is framed & written, and I love the news it reports!

Oh Shit from The Owls Approve
This is not a cheerful post, but I share it because I went through the same thing, and it is something we will all face as horse owners if we keep horses as they grow older.

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