
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Weekly Blog Roundup

Back on the horse...a few blog posts from this past week.

Stay Classy - How to Share Photos from Professional Photographers from Pony'tude
This x100000.

My Horse Hubby aka My Other Half from The Jumping Percheron
My husband is basically the opposite of horsey, so this is a really sweet tribute - and I may be a bit jealous of a husband who will hold horses at a show...

A Coincidental Coming Together of Talents from Eventing Nation
I bawled.

Fancy Pants from The $900 Facebook Pony
I feel like it was just last year that I struggled to find non-beige breeches. The times they are a-changing.

DIY: How to Make Pill Hider Horse Treats from DIY Horse Ownership

Ecolicious Equestrian Giveaway from The Legal Equestrian
I'm always up for a good giveaway, and this looks particularly fun!

Why I volunteer from Hand Gallop
A lovely summary and call for volunteerism.

When does control become abuse? from The $900 Facebook Pony
A really, really important conversation to have.

1 comment:

  1. i pretty much love the developing trends in breeches - and that i have so many different colors now.


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