
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Weekly Blog Roundup

A few blog posts from the horse world that caught my eye this past week.

Before you read anything else, read this, and take it to heart: Helmets: Please Read from Racing to Ride. I have already made my opinions on this topic clear. If you still aren't wearing a helmet, you are making the deliberate choice to play Russian roulette with your life.

A Big Light Bulb Moment from Not So Speedy Dressage
I had this precise light bulb moment a few years ago. Hugely valuable way to understand your riding.

Making a Barn Dog Part 1 from Dandyism
Really good advice. I'm not sure if Arya will ever get there, frankly - some dogs just have the ability to chill out more than other dogs. Maybe in a few more years!

Three Years from Pony Express
Absolutely an inspiration, in every way.

Learning Styles & Lesson Format from PONY'TUDE
This is such an individual thing, and so important to know about yourself.

Horse Home Decor from All In
I am such a sucker for these posts, especially since I have a house of my own to decorate.

Anthropomorphizing from In Omnia Paratus
Read this.


  1. Love these round ups you do. Loved dandyisms post too!

  2. lots of thought-provoking posts!

  3. Racing to Ride's post on helmet awareness is really powerful

  4. Thanks for the mention. I am clearly a slow learner, hence the Not-so-Speedy moniker. :0)


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