
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Weekly Blog Roundup

A few nice posts from the equestrian blogging world.

First, a general heads up: if you follow Hillary at Equestrian at Hart through a feed reader (like I do), you'll need to re-add her blog as she had a glitch when swapping back end platforms!

Transformation Tuesday from DIY Horse Ownership
A particularly well-illustrated and explained transformation of...a fancy riding mule!

If I ever go riding on the beach, I am convinced this is exactly how it would play out. o.O

Teaching your horse to smile from Wallace Eventing
What. I'm doing this.

Friends and congrats at the Pan Ams from Guinness on Tap
Really neat inside story of a dressage rider at the Pan Am Games.

Horses don't understand betrayal from A Gift Horse
Absolutely spot on, and really important to remember.


  1. Thank you for the shout out Amanda! I really appreciate it. I am so frustrated by this transition!

  2. Thanks for the heads up about Hillary's blog. Also I really want to teach Izzy to smile too but suspect she will become a monster about it lol


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