
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Weekly Blog Round Up

Here are a few blog posts from this past week.

Ringside Backpacks: What's Your Opinion from Stories from the Saddle
The organizational part of my brain wants one. The practical part of my brain says that I have several very good bags already and also, don't even show. Lots of good thoughts in this post and the comments.

An Updated Guide to Horse Showing from Sprinkler Bandit
Reports of tea snorting out my nose while reading this post are greatly exaggerated.

Biomechanics Lesson: Spinous Processes from Fraidy Cat Eventing
I'm not going to lie I got kind of confused during this post but it was still really really interesting to try and digest.

Taming the Butterflies from The $900 Facebook Pony
Surprisingly thoughtful and useful post about calming horse nerves. Usually these posts are about 95% bullshit and I really liked this.

#bossmareup from Zen and the Art of Baby Horse Management

How did Bromont pull off hosting the 1976 Olympics? from Eventing Nation
Bromont is my favorite venue in North America and this post is fascinating.

Product Review: Hay Hoop from Howling Owl Farm
I've gone back and forth on these for a while. I'm still not convinced but this was a really useful review.

1 comment:

  1. lol if it makes you feel any better i was definitely confused while writing that post (and actually still am, sorta haha). it's good food for thought tho!


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