
Monday, March 16, 2015

Farm Hunters: The Conclusion

I feel like I got everyone's hopes up with promises of an endless search for the perfect farm. So I feel mildly bad, from a blogging POV, to write this post.

We are officially under contract on the city house I wrote about before!

It's pending inspection, obviously, so nothing is set in stone, but we're really happy about it, and feeling good about the inspection.

So now, a very important question: do you want renovation blogging? I'm not talking about anything more than once a week, probably, as I have not a ton of interest in being That House Blogger, but it's about to become an important and time-consuming part of my life. It might do me some good to vent via blog.

Let me know!


  1. I love house renos and am always tempted to post some of my projects on my blog too. LOVE that house - congrats!

  2. I liked that house! Go for some renovation stuff. I like house things... :)

  3. I love reading reno posts! Congrats on the new place!


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