
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Weekly Blog Roundup

Here are a few interesting blog posts from the horse blogging world.

I've really enjoyed reading the Day in the Life blog hop posts from Tracy at Fly on Over. All of them were great, but here are two I thought highlighted some really interesting lines of work!

A Day in the Life from Racing to Ride
Racing! I love all the behind the scenes stuff.

A Day in the Life from Wait for the Jump
I love Saiph's posts about her work as an emergency vet tech. I got exhausted just reading this!

My Favorite Overseas Tack & Equipment Sites from The $900 Facebook Pony
Some of you are so much more adventurous than I about what you buy and where you buy it!

Boston 2024: Franklin Park as the Equestrian Venue from The Maggie Memoirs
Hands-down one of my favorite blog posts of the last six months. Excellent analysis, thorough reporting, and I actually learned things I didn't know about the equestrian scene in and around Boston!

Wes, One Year Barefoot from The Jumping Percheron
I am a sucker for barefoot transformation posts, and this is a particularly good one, with lots of photos and thoughtful details.

Conformation Analysis from DIY Horse Ownership
I've also loved the conformation analysis blog hop that's been going around - and here it is applied to a mule! A MULE, you guys! COOL.

Winter Wear from The Longest Format
<3 gear. The only thing that makes winter bearable.

What's Your Opinion? Horse Racing Anonymous Survey from Racing to Ride
Go, offer your opinion! I'm curious to see what will come out of this. I have some deeply ambivalent feelings toward horse racing as it's currently structured.


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