
Thursday, January 15, 2015

TOABH: Wish We Could

Had I but worlds enough and time...I'd create a tropical bubble around the barn. Predicted temperatures last night: high teens, low 20s. I confidently set out riding clothes, texted the barn manager to hold his evening grain, blazed through my end of day stuff at work, and got to the look down at my car's temperature gauge: 7 degrees and falling. #$@$R#@$@^&%$.


Let's pretend that financial restrictions don't exist and logistics isn't a nightmare. If you could do anything with your Ponykins, what would you do?

I'd buy a farm - not the small budget ones we're looking at right now, but the big, fancy, sprawling ones in the mountains near Woodstock, hundreds of green acres, 19th century stone houses, barns appointed to the nines, staff quarters, the whole nine yards.

Then I'd retire him to be my trail/LD horse. We'd do dressage lessons once a week with the goal of getting us both flexible and happy. We'd ride and ride around our property, and haul over to GMHA on member days, and open our land up for their endurance rides. We'd do that indefinitely.

Then I'd buy a fancypants Morgan that could take me eventing and doing dressage, and a fat pony for my nieces and nephews, and call some rescues and take a few horses that needed a soft landing.

I'd research and write about whatever history topics interested me in my spare time, and host visiting scholars and horsey friends and evening benefit receptions for local history organizations.

sigh, again.


  1. And I would come and live in your guesthouse and make art for my dinner.

  2. and then i would come visit all the time!! sounds wonderful :)

  3. and you would host blogger meetups and all our horses could come too!!

  4. I can totally help with the research and the dressage stuff. Let's go! :)


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