
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Weekly Bog Roundup

Here are a few posts from the horse blogging world!

2nd Blogaversary Blog Statistics from She Moved to Texas
All the stats! Lauren is an excellent blogger and a great designer, so this is a really cool roundup.

Initial Hoof Boot Review: Equine Fusion Ultimate Jogging Shoes from The Journey to 100 Miles
Innovation keeps marching on. Check out these weird and really neat boots and read Gail's thorough, thoughtful review of them.

Gracie's Bootcamp Starts from Wait for the Jump
Saiph has been having some trouble with her mare Gracie keeping her feet underneath her. After vet checks, she's proceeding with a plan to work on Gracie's footwork. I really like the way she spelled out the work here, showing photos and talking about her reasoning. Tristan is on the clumsier side, so I'm always curious to hear how others have improved their horses' steadiness.

2014 Beach Trip from Team Awesome
Possibly the coolest horse photo shoot I have ever, ever seen. Amazing.

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