
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Weekly Blog Roundup

First of all, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!

Here's a roundup of blog posts from this past week.

Tracking Apps for Riding from 'Fraidy Cat Eventing
Great review of an app I hadn't heard of before. I've been using Endomondo quite a lot, but wondered what else was out there.

Yesterday Was True Horror from Guinness on Tap
This is one of the most difficult blog posts I've ever read. It's really important, though; kudos to Austen for keeping her head, for working so hard to save her horse, for writing an impartial and thoughtful account, and for being brave enough to share it with all of us. She's not kidding about the graphic photos, though - read at your own risk.

101 Apps for Schooling Inspiration from The Journey to 100 Miles
I love the 101 exercises books - they are far more useful than I would ever have thought. I LOVE the idea of having them in an app format, though the price seems steep. This is a good review of what you get for your money.

In Which We Ride 10 Miles on City Streets from In Omnia Paratus
Liz is approximately 100 million times cooler and more adventurous than I will ever be. SO COOL, YOU GUYS.


  1. Austen's post freaked me out. I am so impressed with her cool as a cucumber way of dealing with such a crazy situation in the moment. Wow.

  2. thanks for the shout out!! and yea, reading Austen's post was pretty intense... esp since i recently started hauling horses myself. what a terrifying experience!


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