
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Horse Blogging Roundup

I'm always amazed at the wide world of horse blogs out there: how many there are, and how many wonderful horse people are sharing their advice, stories, expertise, and humor. I read dozens on a daily basis and I'm always finding more.

With that in mind, I'd like to start a new series. Each week, I'll pick 3-5 posts that I've read during the previous week that had caught my eye. I don't guarantee to get every single post that I've liked included, so if you feel left out it's not personal!

So, here are this week's selections.

Endurance Gear Under $25 from Boots and Saddles
I love this - good thoughtful recommendations, a variety of products, descriptions of how to use them. All practical and thoughtful examples.

Blog Hop: Why Do You Do What You Do? from Stories from the Saddle
I love a blog hop, and this is a particularly good one: how did you get into your current riding discipline?

Lincoln Trail 2014: Magic's First 50 from A Collection of Madcap Escapades
Great pictures, great adventure, and a great write-up of a 50 mile endurance ride.


  1. Cool idea, looking forward to reading more.

  2. love this idea! looking forward to adding your recommendations to my reader!

  3. ooh i like this idea for a series - and love finding new blogs to read up on :)


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