
Sunday, May 4, 2014

April Goals Review

So, how did I do?
Start hacking regularly, whenever possible. Plan on minimum of 60 minutes out for each hack, 2x per week.  
Pull shoes, if all goes well, and get back to barefoot.  
Continue schooling under saddle, fine-tuning dressage. IF jumping is a go, jump 1x every two weeks minimum.  
Possible events for riding or volunteering: GMHA Mud Ride (April 26-27), VT Everything Equine (April 26-27)
Actually: not half bad.

We did a fair bit of hacking this month, and put in some good mileage. For sure we got out 60+ minutes several times. For the first two weeks, that was definitely 2x a week. The last two weeks...not so much. Turns out puppies are a timesuck.

Tristan is not barefoot. I thought he would be. I am not sure what went wrong. I suspect miscommunication with the farrier, but I have to call him and haven't had time for that yet.

We've continued schooling dressage and that's going very well, and we are ready to try jumping but haven't found time yet. The jump saddle is fitted so this is a simple matter of setting a time and getting it done.

I did go to Everything Equine, and will write up a review soon! It was a nice day.

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