
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Always Winter, Never Christmas

I am becoming a weather atheist. There is no season but winter, and weather men are false prophets.

I took this picture a few days ago, but it still looks exactly the same today.

It was below zero again last night. On March 26. Below zero. Single digits so far today, and it's going to hail & sleet later.

I did get to ride last night, and we had a credible fitness session, including two 10 minute trot sets. The first mostly loose and low, the second incorporating all sorts of lateral work and poles. He was holding up so well I went for some short canter sets. I initially thought 1 minute canters, but during the first I glanced down at my watch and we'd gone for 1:25, so I pushed it to 2 minutes. I did them all in two point, too.

Then 2 minutes of walking, then another 2 minutes of canter. He was barely winded. Huzzah for fitness! We'll keep adding to that. I'd love to get him up to 20 minute trot sets and 5 minute canter sets this summer.

One point of concern is that he had a barely perceptible four beat in his left canter. He felt steady and strong, and I honestly wasn't quite sure what to do to address it in that moment. I have some ideas going forward - poles, careful attention on the longe line, continued fitness, Pentosan - but would appreciate any thoughts.


  1. Hmm your spring looks different than my spring...

  2. ::fistbump::

    You know, I was doing okay re: winter-tolerance until I thought back to what I was doing with Tucker at this point last year. It involved long hacks out in the mud. Sigh.

  3. Hurry up Spring!

    I'm afraid I don't have any advice regarding the left canter other than what you mentioned.

  4. It's SO beautiful!
    Sorry- we never get snow! Bet you're hating it at the moment though... Snow in Spring is not okay!

    Awesome fitness - woop!!


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