
Thursday, January 9, 2014


Happy More Joy Day!

Have you shared some joy today? Even something small? Small things send ripples. Every little bit counts.

If you've done something for More Joy Day, come back and comment on this post, and I'll share your joy even further.

Finally: I've been experimenting with horse cookies over the last few weeks. (Read more about the various recipes under the horse cookies tag.)

On this, More Joy Day, I'd like to offer 10 bags of assorted flavors of my cookies to randomly selected commenters on this post. If you're commenting to let me know what you've done to spread joy, that's great! You're entered. If you're just commenting to get some horse cookies, that's cool too!

I'll include some human treats in the bags, too. The more joy the merrier!

Here's what other people have been doing today:


  1. I'm trying to leave a comment on every blogpost I read today. So far, so good!

  2. I kind of messed up joy day and celebrated it on Monday with my "un-bucket list" post... whoops!

    1. Ha! There is no messing up joy day! The more joy in the world the better!

  3. I celebrated Joy Day by helping the barn manager haul water buckets over from the well since the pipes burst in the house and the water had to get shut off on the entire property. I can't say it was a lot of fun, but I hope it brought some joy to BM!

    1. I bet she really appreciated that - I've been there and done that, yikes!


Thanks for commenting! It's great to hear from you.