
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cranky Toddler Time

Last night, we had a great longeing session: Tris worked beautifully, and had some really nice reaching fancy trot. I left excited about our plan for work for the next few days.

I woke up this morning to a thick sheet of ice over everything, and more freezing rain coming down hard. I spent the first 2 hours of my day sprinting around settling work things and am now settled in at work glaring at the rain out the window. The odds that it will ease up in such a way as to make a trip to the barn possible are...not good. It will rain hard all day and the temperature will drop with sunset, about when I would head to the barn.

(for the record, Saturday is a regular part of my work schedule - so I'm not sulking about being at work - more at the weather that has made everything in my life more complicated.)

Mentally, I feel like at toddler throwing a full-blown tantrum in the middle of a grocery store. I love Vermont, I feel beyond lucky to live here, but I almost wish we would just get one or two really big blowout snowstorms, so I would be forced to take 4-5 days off and then have a more consistent schedule otherwise. This stringing together two or three good days, only to be foiled by the weather for two or three bad days, is getting really old.


  1. You've seen the book Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus? because about three-fourths of the way through the book, the pigeon has a shrieking, thrashing meltdown. the depiction of it made such an impression on Alice, at age 3, that she still remembers it and refers to it (somewhat wistfully) when things are not going her way. And I sympathize completely.

    1. I believe I've seen it but never really read it through. I like the idea of a pigeon having a thrashing meltdown, though, I bet it would be dramatic!

  2. Aaah, winter weather. Gotta love it. Same deal here!!

    1. This mid-January ice storm stuff is for the birds. Give me a blizzard and a foot or two! If I can't get to the barn, give me something I can ski in!


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