
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sunshine Award

Hannah nominated me for the Sunshine Award, and said some very kind things about me, and gave me a list of questions to answer. So here we go!

1. Mares or geldings? 
Oh, geldings. Every day, and twice on Sunday. Just...not a mare person.

2. English or western? English! Though I have not much to compare it with, as I've only ridden in Western saddles a handful of times and only gone faster than a walk once. But when I sit in a Western saddle, I feel trapped in an uncomfortable claustrophobic way. There are some super cool things to do in the Western sports - I want to try my hand at cutting someday - but it's not where my heart will ever be.

3. Do you prefer younger or older horses? Older. Babies are cute and all but I have fairly limited patience for toddler/adolescent antics, in humans or equines. There's something special for me about the sweet mellowness of a good older horse.

4. Have you trained a horse from ground zero? Tristan! Every ounce of training he has on him I've done myself, right from learning to pick up his feet and being groomed through to cross-country. Now, jury's out on precisely how successful I've been, but he is a nice horse to handle and be around, so I usually count that one in the positive column.

5. Do you prefer groundwork or riding? Do you know, I almost prefer groundwork? Probably because I'm better at it. I've started some tough horses on the ground and I still like playing with Tristan and adding pieces of his groundwork to make him a fun horse to handle. But I do so love to ride, so this one is practically a draw for me. (I wouldn't be happy never riding again, for example.)

6. Do you board your horse or keep him at home? Board, but I'd like to keep him at home someday - probably when he retires.

7. Do you do all natural things or just commercial stuff? Weird dichotomy. I'm from Vermont, right? So when possible I look for solutions that are low-impact in the environmental sense, but I have zero objections to "commercial" stuff if it does the job.

8. All tacked up or bareback? Usually all tacked up, but bareback is appealing in the winter - so much warmer!

9. Equestrian role model?  Either Alois Podhajsky or Reiner Klimke.

10. What's my one, main goal for my equestrian journey? I want Tristan to be happy and healthy. Everything after that is secondary.

So I am late to this and nearly everyone has been nominated and I'd like to do it a bit differently. If you're reading this, and you have a horse blog, could you do two things for me? Comment on this and tell me about it. I'm trying to expand my horse blog reading. Second, go ahead and steal the questions and answer them, because you are awesome. I know you are. I just might not know you yet. :)

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