
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


It took a little while for it to kick in, but Rolex fever is HERE!

I'll be traveling on Friday, traveling on Saturday, and volunteering at a competitive trail ride on Sunday, which makes Thursday the only day I'll be at a computer to follow updates...and I'll be at work. So I can't watch ANY of the streaming, which was exceptionally poor planning on my part.

In lieu of that, I've tried to put together a way to follow Rolex digitally that I just posted on COTH, and I'll cross post it here, too, and update as I have more information.




Rolex - @RolexKentucky
Eventing Nation - @eventingnation
USEA - @USEventing
USEFNetwork - @usefnetwork
FEI - @myfei_home
British Eventing - @BEventing
PRO - @PROEventRiders
Practical Horseman - @prachorseman
Bit of Britain - @BitofBritain
Smartpak - @Smartpak

Samantha Clark - @samanthaclark
Joanie Morris - @Joanie_Morris
Jenni Autry - @jenniautry

William Fox-Pitt - @foxpitteventing
James Alliston - @JamesAlliston
Buck Davidson - @@BDJEventing
Jan Byyny - @janbyyny
Andrew Nicholson - ?
Phillip Dutton - @DuttonEventing
Madeline Blackman - ?
Caitlin Silliman - ? (@WindurraUSA)
Beth Perkins - ?
Will Faudree - ?
Jennie Brannigan - ?
Becky Holder - ?
Peter Atkins - @RunHennyRun
Kristin Schmolze - @kseventing
Katie Ruppel - ?
Hawley Bennet-Awad - @HBEventing
Kristi Nunnink - ?
Sarah Cousins - ?
Shandiss McDonald -
Lynn Symansky - @LynnSymanskyEq
Alexandra Knowles - ?
Austin O’Connor – @attington
Meghan O’Donoghue - @MM_ODonoghue
Mary King - ?
Micheline Jordan - ?
Ronald Zabala-Goeteshel - ?
Erin Marie Sylvester - ?
Jonelle Richards - ?
Emily Renfroe - @Emily_Renfroe
Boyd Martin - @WindurraUSA
Lindsey Oaks –
Rachel Jurgens - ?
Emily Beshear - @EmilyBeshear
Kendal Lehari - @LehariEventing
Heather Gillette - ?
Marilyn Little - ?

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Thanks for commenting! It's great to hear from you.