
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

8 Weeks!

Yesterday morning was Tristan's 8 week check, and it went spectacularly all around. Vet was thrilled with his foot, with the care, and really with everything. She was not terribly worried about the crack in his foot.

The farrier is on his way back from Florida right now, and as soon as he arrives back in Vermont he will trim down Tristan's front feet, put his shoes back on, and then Tris is cleared to go back under saddle!

Possibly just as exciting, no more wrapping! I will spray some AluShield on the hole to form a barrier, and flush it regularly to clean it out and keep it pretty good, but at this point it can grow down and heal on its own.

I'm excited to ride again, and I'm excited to start getting the sole of that foot in better shape. It's really bad right now - crumbly and soft and just gross. I've ordered some Durasole to use on it to start toughening it up, and I'll probably also do some thrush treatment on it. The LF foot responded quickly once I started treatment; I expect the RF will as well.

Here's a comparison shot to show how far the original abscess hole has grown down, and to show the nasty crack:

And here's the bottom of his foot. You can see some of what I'm talking about with the sole!


  1. OH wow, that was a massive abscess!

  2. Ugh, right? When all this is over I'll do a series of shots - the big hole you see there came out at the coronet band, but it also blew out halfway down the hoof (now grown out) and at the toe. All from that massively infected bone chip. Never a good thing when multiple vets and farriers look at your horse's foot and say "Wow."


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