
Friday, October 12, 2012

Vermont or bust!

So I can finally announce my exciting news: Tristan and I are moving back to Vermont!

I've been saying for years now that my life goal is to move back to Vermont and buy a horse farm, and now I have half of that goal accomplished. I've accepted a new job with a history organization up there, and my last day in the Boston area will be November 2.

I'll be going up next weekend to find a barn for Tris, but our tentative plan is to put him out to pasture for the winter, let the foot grow out, and then re-condition with lots and lots of trail riding in time to get back in action for the spring.

The good news for me is that board will be significantly less expensive in Vermont, so I may finally be able to start to rebuild the finances that have been wrecked by this summer's vet bills!

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