
Monday, May 21, 2012

Conditioning Miles

So here's sad: I've spent about the last day and a half wondering why my calves are a bit sore.

Then I remembered that I spent about an hour in the half in the saddle on Saturday. Oh yeah...

Really good ride overall. Nothing fancy. Friday night we went for a long hack, and Saturday we did conditioning sets. Schedule went something like this:

20 minutes walk
10 minutes trot
5 minutes walk
10 minutes trot
5 minutes walk
10 minutes trot
5 minutes walk
3 minutes canter
5 minutes walk
3 minutes canter
cool out w/ trail walk

I was pleased with both his willingness and his fitness. I'm enjoying that point about midway through the second trot set when he clicks in and settles down to business and starts to tick right along. By the time we picked up our third trot set he was really enjoying himself, stretching into the reins and giving a nice big strided gait.

This week, we prep for our first overnight show, at Hitching Post Farm in Vermont. I'm getting a bit nervous. We're entered at Grasshopper (tiny baby jumps) so the show itself shouldn't be particularly stressful, but I am not a good traveler with horses. I worry, constantly, even more so when it's my own horse. I worry about packing, and about hauling, and about settling in, and on and on. I'm working on packing lists and timetables and have emailed everyone to confirm everything, but I won't be settled until Tris is home in his own stall on Saturday night.

If all goes well, we're due to move up to a schooling show at Beginner Novice in late June, after a few cross-country schools and dressage tests.

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